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Business Hours during Summer 31.05.2019 | About Us
Mensaria am Schloss 18.06. – 25.08.2019 (Lecture free period / Summer program) Bistro EO 24.06. – 21.07.2019 (Bistro 7:45am – 5:00pm, Kitchen from 11:30am to 3:00pm) 19.07.2019 (open from7:45am - 2:00pm, Kitchen from 11:30am to 2:00pm) 20.07. – 11.08.2019 closed 12.08. – 18.08.2019 (Bistro 7:45am – 3:00pm, Bar... [more]
PBS: Temporary Relocation Due to Construction 17.01.2019 | Counseling + Service
Due to urgent unscheduled building measures, the regular facilities of the Psychological Counseling Center are currently unavailable. We managed to obtain several substitute rooms within the Studierendenwerk in order to allow for optimum counseling under the present circumstances. A longer waiting time is to be expected when making appointments. (at this time)... [more]
Schlossmensa: Breakfast for Late Risers 07.01.2019 | Food + Drink
Are you a late sleeper? From the 7. January - 1. February, 2019 it is worth it. During this time between 8:00am until 11:00am (Mo-Fr) you will find the cheapest breakfast offer for late risers. Current Menu [more]
WLAN-Hotspots (eduroam) in the Student Residence Halls 10.01.2019 | Housing
"Eduroam" is a WLAN service offered world wide for students at participating higher education institutions that allows access with only the login information from your own institution.  You only have to log in once and you will be automatically reconnected to the network for example if you are disconnected. The WLAN-Hotspot for Eduroam can be found on the... [more]
Hours of Operation between December and January 03.12.2018 | About Us
Infothek 21.12.2018 until 2:00pm 24.12.2018 – 01.01.2019 closed 02.01.2019 – 03.01.2019 10am – 2:30pm 04.01.2019 – 10am – 2:00pm Housing and Private Accommodations 21.12.2017 until 2:00pm 24.12.2018 – 06.01.2019 closed BAföG 21.12.2018 until 2:00pm  (in the Infothek) 24.12.2018 –... [more]
Holiday Spirit in the Cafeterias and Bistro EO 16.11.2018 | Food + Drink
Christmas Specials taste much better without a red nose, cold feet, and a crowded space. From the 3rd until the 7th of December, 2018 a Christmas buffet will be offered in the Mensa am Schloss alongside the beloved classics, vegetarian options, and the tasty... [more]
MensA-Prepaid®: Pretest starting on 5.11.2018 29.10.2018 | Food + Drink
29.10.2018 The Studierendenwerk Mannheim is using the opportunity to celebrate its 70th Anniversary with new services (such as the extended office hours at the beginning of the semester) and new products.  One of the newest highlights for the Fall/Winter semester is the introduction and testing of our MensA-Prepaid®. Between the 5th and... [more]
Hours of Operation on 14.11.2018 25.10.2018 | About Us
25.10.2018 On Wednesday, November 14th, 2018 the Studierendenwerk Mannheim will be having a staff meeting and therefore will have modified hours of operation.  Our facilities will be open as follows: Mensaria am Schloss / Infothek open until 2:30pm Cafeteria Musikhochschule open until 2:15pm Café Soleil open until 2:30pm... [more]
Burger Week in the Cafeterias 18.09.2018 | Food + Drink
Between the 24th and the 28th of September, 2018 , the heart of all burger fans will be beating faster. There will be delicious burger creations made fresh on the grill in the Mensa am Schloss such as the merguez burger, pulled pork, and the salmon burger with arugula and... [more]
SAVE THE DATE 22.08.2018 | About Us
22.08.2018 August 2018: First-Semester "Gutscheinbuch" Between 11:00am-4:00pm, the beloved first-semester "Gutscheinbuch" will be distributed in the Ehrenhof. Bring your voucher and take advantage of the many discounts and promotions. The Studierendenwerk even has a coupon in the book this year with the following offer: On page 43 you will... [more]
SAVE THE DATE: Erstsemestertag Hochschule Mannheim 22.08.2018 | About Us
22.08.2018 You can find us at the Erstsemestertag for the Hochschule Mannheim on the 24th of September this year! What we will be offering: A short presentation about the services and offers of the Studierendenwerk Mannheim during the info sessions of the Departments for Business Administration and Engineering (Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen)... [more]
„Open Door“ and extended office hours for the beginning of the semester 08.08.2018 | About Us
08.08.2018 14:14 70th anniversary of the Studierendenwerk Mannheim -  we are not looking back at the past but preparing for the future (requests) of the students in Mannheim. Besides our contemporary communications methods such as social media and our StudiPlus App, we are focusing on our various services offered as well.  Therefore we will... [more]
Private Accommodations now with "Wohnen für Hilfe" 24.07.2018 | Housing
24.07.2018 13:49 The Studierendenwerk Mannheim is offering "Wohnen für Hilfe" for the first time.  The Project aims to assist seniors, persons with a disability, single parents, or families who are looking for help and have living space to offer. Students are to receive reduced rent in return for individually agreed upon assistance. Additional... [more]
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