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SAVE THE DATE: Erstsemestertag Hochschule Mannheim



You can find us at the Erstsemestertag for the Hochschule Mannheim on the 24th of September this year!

What we will be offering:

  • A short presentation about the services and offers of the Studierendenwerk Mannheim during the info sessions of the Departments for Business Administration and Engineering (Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen) and Information Technologies (Informationstechnik).
  • Between 11:00am and 1:00pm you can find us at the Information Stand to answer all your questions about the Cafeterias and Cafés, student accommodations, BAföG, Psychological Counseling Service, and our Kinderhaus.  If the weather is nice, we will be outside directly in front of the Cafeteria. If the weather is not permitting, then you can find us in building H on the ground floor.

Set up Autoload right away

If you have not already received your card then you can go to the Student Card Services and pick yours up during the orientation week between the 24.09 and 28.09 in Building H, 5th floor, Room 512.  The Studierendenwerk will also be there to set up Autoload quick and easy so you can start receiving the benefits of our cashless payment system right away. More information about Autoload can be found here: (

Student Card Services hours of operation:
Monday-Thursday: 8:30am - 11:30am and 1:00pm - 3:00pm
Friday: 8:30am - 11:30am

The Studierendenwerk will be there for you and all your questions.

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Über die Quicklinksleiste am rechten Bildschirmrand erreichen Sie auf direktem Weg das BAfög-Service-Center, die Autoload-Registrierung und Onlinefeedback-Formular.
In der Fußzeile finden Sie nochmal eine Verlinkung zu den sieben Hauptkategorien. Außerdem befinden sich hier noch Direktlinks zu wichtigen Seiten insb. Datenschutz, Impressum und Kontakt.
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