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August 2018: First-Semester "Gutscheinbuch"

Between 11:00am-4:00pm, the beloved first-semester "Gutscheinbuch" will be distributed in the Ehrenhof. Bring your voucher and take advantage of the many discounts and promotions. The Studierendenwerk even has a coupon in the book this year with the following offer:

  1. On page 43 you will find a coupon for the promotion "Bleib deinem Becher treu!" at participating locations. (See appendix page 3. "3 Fragen an...") and bring the coupon with you.
  2. Purchase the reusable Mannheim cup!
  3. Get the first coffee or hot drink for free.


Orientation Presentation of the Studierendenwerk

What does the Studierendenwerk do? Between the cafeterias and cafés to the allocation of student accommodations, we take care of situations that every student faces.  Students who have turned in a BAföG application know that the Studierendenwerk has its own department for that. Many people do not know that we are responsible for more than 25,000 students in the Mannheim area. The various services ranging from social and financial support to psychological counseling as well as the support for international students round off our diverse portfolio.  The Studierendenwerk Mannheim is typically by all the presentations and events at the beginning of the semester to assist the students in any way possible. 

Please note the following dates:

  • 28.02.2018: Introductory Presentation for AStA

The Studierendenwerk will also be at the "Erstitag" for the AStA. Presentations can be found in room B6 A.001 at 10:45am, 11:05am and 11:25am. We look forward to seeing you there.

  • 29.-31.08.2018: Presentations for international students

Wed. 29.08.2018, 3:00pm - 4:00pm: Orientation Session Studierendenwerk Mannheim - A3 Hörsaal 001

Wed. 29.8.2018, at 2:30pm: Presentation for Degree-Seeking (ENG)- SN 169 Röchling Hörsaal (Schloss Schneckenhof Nord)

Thu. 30.8.2018, at 2:30pm: Presentation for für Degree-Seekings (DE) - O 135 Saal der starken Marken Hörsaal (Schloss Ostflügel)

Fri. 31.08.18, at 4:00pm - 5:00pm: Welcome Reception - A3, Hörsaal 001

"Open Door" for the beginning of the semester

70th anniversary of the Studierendenwerk Mannheim -  we are not looking back at the past but preparing for the future requests that the students in Mannheim will have. Besides our contemporary communications methods such as social media and our StudiPlus App, we are focusing on our various services offered as well. Therefore we will be extending the office hours of the Infothek to the following:

  • August until 7. September 2018

Mon-Thu:: 10:00am - 5:00pm (instead of 3:30pm)
Friday: 10:00am - 3:30pm (normal operating hours)

  • until 28. September 2018

Monday and Tuesday: 10:00am - 3:30pm (normal operating hours)
Wednesday: 10:00am -  5:00pm (instead of 3:30pm; to accommodate the hours of operation of the Express-Schalter of the University)
Thursday: 10:00am - 3:30pm (normal operating hours)
Friday: 10:00am - 2:30pm (normal operating hours)

Both the housing department and counseling service will be adapting the first-semester-friendly "Open-Door Strategy"

Do you want us to have extended office hours for the beginning of the semester or do you have comments or questions about our services? We would be more than glad to receive feedback at


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