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VRN JugendticketBW replaces Semester Ticket

28.02.2023 | Counseling + Service

Eligible students can purchase the VRN JugendticketBW, which is valid for local and regional public transportation in the VRN area as well as in Baden-Württemberg, online through the rnv and DB or via the app VRN-Ticket (DB) as well as at the mobility centers / travel center.

Students over 27 years of age cannot purchase the VRN JugendticketBW, but can still purchase a semester ticket.

IMPORTANT for students of the University of Mannheim: The semester ticket and the VRN JugendticketBW cannot be purchased at the self-service terminals (SB-Terminal) of the university. The imprint of the evening and weekend regulations can still however be printed on the card at the SB-Terminal.

The standing contribution collected with the Studierendenwerk fee will be taken into account for the new VRN JugendticketBW - as was previously the case with the Semesterticket - and credited to the ticket price.

The evening and weekend regulations will remain in place as long as the Semester Ticket agreement is in place. Currently, the agreement ends at the end of the summer semester 2024.

The VRN JugendticketBW, which is designed as an annual ticket for the summer semester 2023, the winter semester 2023/2024 and the summer semester 2024, can also be issued as a semester ticket against a one-time payment in advance at the rnv mobility centers.

VRN connection semester tickets that have already been purchased will be partially refunded by the transport companies selling them. For the VRN connection semester tickets purchased from Rhein-Neckar-Verkehr GmbH, students should contact rnv. DB is responsible for connection semester tickets purchased from DB.

Students who currently have a valid VRN Semesterticket can use it until July 31, 2023 at the latest due to a provisional agreement to recognize it as a VRN JugendticketBW and thus travel throughout the state of Baden-Württemberg and the VRN network area.

More information can be found on the VRN and the RNV website.

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