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Current Information for KfW-Student Loan

15.10.2020 | BAföG + Co.

There are numerous restrictions on public life due to the Corona pandemic. Because of this, the following exemptions apply to recipients of the KfW Student Loan for the upcoming future:

Presentation of proof of enrollment (Winter Semester 2020/21)

The documents can however be submitted to an accredited partner/Studierendenwerk by mail or e-mail. The following must be submitted:

  • The current enrollment certification (WS 20/21)
  • The verification protocol
  • A readable, current copy of your ID card (current, front, and back)

Deadline extension for additional documents

  • As an exception, the KfW will accept late submissions of the enrollment certificate to the accredited partner - by the 15.11.2020 at the latest.
  • Also as an exception, the submission of the necessary proof of performance can be submitted later - by the 31.03.2021.
  • Certificates of renewal are to be submitted for further disbursement (11. 14. Promotion semester) can exceptionally be submitted later - until 31.03.2021.

Monthly disbursement rate can now be adjusted

  • You can change the disbursement rate monthly - the information should be entered in the online portal by the 15th of the month at the latest.  This way, the amounts can be adjusted quickly to the current needs.


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