Rooms to sublet from students for students
As part of your studies, it often happens that you are planning an internship, a stay abroad or another study-related absence from Mannheim and would like to sublet your room instead of cancelling your tenancy agreement. Here you can submit your information about subletting your room from student to student and leave your contact details so that the person looking for short-term accommodation can contact you directly.
Are you studying here in Mannheim and looking for a room to sublet for a short time?
Please take a look at the subletting list.
Are you a tenant of a room or flat in one of the student residences of the Studierendenwerk Mannheim and would like to sublet it to students?
Then please complete the form below and send it to us so that we can enter your details into our system.
Please note that we only provide the platform. We do not check the offers.
Further information and the guidelines for subletting a room can be found in the information below.
How it works:
- You send an email to the person responsible for your hall of residence, stating the period for which you would like to sublet your room. Residents of studierendenwerk-owned halls of residence can sublet to students for a maximum of three months. In the case of a proven semester abroad or compulsory internship outside Mannheim, the subletting period can be extended to up to six months.
- You fill in the online form.
- We will check the details and activate the advert.
- You will be contacted directly by interested parties.
- You provide us with the subtenant’s name, e-mail address and telephone number and send us the subtenant’s current certificate of enrolment.
- If you have found a subtenant or no longer wish to sublet, please inform us so that we can deactivate the advert.
- We will automatically deactivate the advert at the end of the desired UV period.
Tips for subletting by tenants of a Studierendenwerk residence (main tenant)
Have you already asked the Studierendenwerk Mannheim for permission to sublet? If so, please take a look at the tips for subletting in our student residences here. Please note that subletting must be authorised by the housing administration. Further information on the tenant’s obligations and regulations can be found in the General Tenancy Conditions.
- Subletting is only permitted to students at one of the following five universities within the Studierendenwerk’s area of responsibility: University of Mannheim, Mannheim University of Applied Sciences, Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University Mannheim (DHBW Mannheim), State University of Music and Performing Arts Mannheim, Popakademie Baden-Württemberg
- The rent agreed with us may not be exceeded (exception for unfurnished rooms and flats: an appropriate furnishing surcharge is permitted here).
- You remain the main tenant for the entire period and are liable for any damage caused. The rent will also continue to be debited from the main tenant’s account.
- Draw up a contract in which you record the key points for the interim tenant (name, description of the rental property, duration of the rental, rent plus surcharge, deposit, tips on the rules in the student residence, etc.).
- Please note that the Studierendenwerk cannot store any furniture/personal belongings in the room.
- The organisation of the key handover is to be arranged exclusively by the main tenant.
Tips for finding a room/apartment to sublet
- Pay attention to the subletting period.
- Is the room furnished or unfurnished? If furnished, is the furnishing surcharge reasonable?
- Subtenants are also obliged to register with the City of Mannheim with a landlord’s confirmation of residence. Please note that only the main tenant may complete and sign this landlord’s confirmation.
- We recommend that you agree a takeover of the room with the main tenant.