The first point of contact for all students at Mannheim’s institutions is the Infothek in the Mensaria am Schloss (Bismarckstraße 10 | Entrance A). Short distances are guaranteed – in the Infothek you can obtain information centrally about the services, and offers of the service areas Housing, Social Counselling and BAföG, etc.
Have you lost your chip card or would you like to use the cashless payment system Autoload? No problem – please contact the Infothek. The Infothek also offers other services that you can use conveniently before or after lunch, for example
- Housing offers
- Issue of all applications, forms, forms and / or information about BAföG and childcare
- Submission of BAföG applications and the relevant documents
- Applications for exemption from licence fees
- Application for reimbursement of the Studierendenwerk fee
- Display of various brochures and information material
- Display of the PBS course program
- Sale of the ISIC (International Student Identity Card)
- Acceptance and display of job offers
- Lost property office in the Mensa (also for lost chip cards)
- Issue and return of the MensA-card (for payment in the canteens and cafeterias)
International Student Identity Card (ISIC)
Are you wondering how you can save money in the hottest shops, travel cheaply and identify yourself internationally as a student? The answer is a single card: the ISIC – International Student Identity Card!
It gives you access to exclusive discounts for travelling, shopping and leisure activities. You can use it to save money in online shops as well as in shops and restaurants. Become part of the ISIC world and be one of 5 million cardholders to use the ISIC at home and when travelling, because the ISIC is valid internationally. This means you can take full advantage of regional discounts in over 130 countries, because with the ISIC your student status is finally recognised abroad too.
Now you want to know where you can get the ISIC?
You can apply for it directly on site at the Infothek (Mensaria am Schloss). Alternatively, you can get it online. You will need: A photo ID and a current proof of enrolment. The ISIC costs 18.00 euros and is valid for one year from the date of issue.
Application for reimbursement of the Studierendenwerk fee
An application for a refund due to exmatriculation before the start of the semester, exmatriculation within one month of the start of the semester or payment of fees without enrolment at another institution, or payment of the Studierendenwerk fee without enrolment due to admission to another institution must be submitted to the University or Infothek, Mensa am Schloss by the end of the second month of the semester at the latest (or University in the fall/winter semester by the start of lectures).
At the University of Mannheim, the Fees Office will refund the Studierendenwerks Fee.
Further information
Deadlines: University of Mannheim
SS = exmatriculation by 31.03. – applications by 30.04.
WS = exmatriculation by 30 September – applications by 31 October.
Deadlines: DHBW Mannheim, Popakademie Baden-Württemberg, Mannheim University of Music and Performing Arts
SS = exmatriculation by 30.04. – applications by 31.05.
WS = exmatriculation by 31 October – applications by 30 November
Monday - Friday:
10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
0621 49072-777
Visitor address
Bismarckstraße 10
Mensaria am Schloss, Eingang A
68161 Mannheim
Postal address
Studierendenwerk Mannheim
Postfach 10 30 37
68030 Mannheim