High quality at a fair price is the short credo of Studierendenwerk catering. Freshness is the be-all and end-all. That’s why we buy most of our food from regional suppliers – which means fresh produce and favourable prices thanks to short transport routes. Qualified staff (the canteens employ kitchen professionals such as several chefs and housekeepers, a master butcher and a master confectioner) and constant investment in kitchen technology and ambience, further education and training offer the best conditions for quality and service. Extensive cooperation between the student services organisations in Baden-Württemberg ensures that the purchasing conditions are also right.
Fresh, regional products
As a matter of principle, we favour seasonal, fresh regional products. This means that asparagus and strawberries are served in the Studierendenwerk canteens in May and June, not as a Christmas menu. From an economic point of view, “convenience products” are used – for example already peeled potatoes or cleaned salad. These high-quality products, supplied by specialised companies in the region, should not be confused with canned goods. The proportion of canned goods is negligible at Studierendenwerk Mannheim.
Meat and sausage
The Studierendenwerk runs its own central butcher’s shop in the Mensa am Schloss. Master butcher Ralf Kettner is not only responsible for purchasing and processing schnitzel, goulash etc. – in other words, the meat products that end up deliciously prepared on students’ trays at lunchtime: He also produces sausages himself in the canteen.
Kettner also applies this philosophy to the other sausage products he produces, e.g. his bratwurst or the popular meat loaf rolls in the cafeterias. Enjoyment without remorse – even allergy sufferers can enjoy the best quality.
We focus on regional sourcing and sustainable and species-appropriate animal husbandry.
Genetically modified food
We do not knowingly use “genetically modified food” in our canteens and cafeterias. As part of the purchasing co-operative of Baden-Württemberg’s student services organisations, we make sure that no genetically modified food is included in our product range.
Even at the purchasing stage, we attach great importance to buying products without additives that require labelling. Where it is unavoidable, labelling is carried out in accordance with legal regulations. In addition, we use special symbols on our menus to indicate special characteristics, e.g. pork (S), game or vegan food.
Flavour enhancer
No flavour enhancers are used in the canteens and cafeterias of the Studierendenwerk.
The company fulfils the requirements of the German Food Hygiene Ordinance (BGBI III/FNA 2125-4066) and the HACCP guidelines.
Information about our cafeterias an cafes
If you have any questions, please contact the Studierendenwerk catering manager. Our staff on site will also be happy to help you.
Visitor address
Mensaria am Schloss
Eingang A
Bismarckstraße 10
68161 Mannheim
Postal address
Studierendenwerk Mannheim
Postfach 10 30 37
68030 Mannheim
0621 49072-601
Events + Catering
0621 49072-601