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Wohnhaus N 6, 8

N 6, 8 - a true apartment house in the pedestrian - only zone in the middle of the city.
The party room on the top floor provides a magnificent view across the roofs and towers of the city.
The College of music is in close proximity.
No. of units
20 doublettes
50 apartments

wardrobe, shelves, desk, desk chair, bed

kitchenette, shower, WC and wash basin - otherwise unfurnished

Monthly rent
Doublette: 380 € 
Apartment: 430 €
hardware required
use included in rent
network interface card, network cable
Disability friendly
Public transport
bus stop Paradeplatz
tram route 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7
bus stop Strohmarkt
tram route  2 / 3 / 4 / 6
Parking facilities 
no parking spyces in rent
bicycle storage cellar
Common facilities washing machine,
community room

Apply now 

Office Hours of the Housing Department 

Mon- Fri 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. (in person and by phone)

General questions and questions about your application
Telephone 0621 49072-888


Simona Angelini
Room 25
Telephone: 0621 49072-807
Fax:       0621 49072-899

Property Management 

0176 / 162 126 07 (office N 6, 8 / basement)
Consultation hours (via telephone or personally) Mo 3.00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Standby Service 

In case of emergency (power blackout, flooding etc.), you can call our standby service:  0800 / 100 18 73 (free)

Key Service 

Please call: 0621 / 10 15 61. Please be aware that the cost for opening the door is 95 Euro that must be paid directly. (Possible costs for key replacement will be sent in a separate invoice).

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