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Infos & Tipps

Abitur: What now? - Orientation event for blind and visually impaired prospective students from all over Germany

Every year, the ACCESS@KIT of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) offers blind and visually impaired high school students and recent graduates from all over Germany an orientation event. Two days long, questions about studying with special conditions of visual impairment/blindness can be addressed. Orientation and mobility trainers, the representative for students with disabilities and chronic illnesses, lawyers, experts from the Studierendenwerk, employees of various institutions at KIT, and KIT students with visual impairment and blindness from higher semesters will speak on the various topics.

Date: May 11 – 12, 2023

Registration deadline: April 28, 2023

Location: Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)

Target group: Blind and visually impaired prospective students from all over Germany

Organizer: Karlsruhe Institute of Technology


  • The Kulturparkett Rhein-Neckar e.V. has a guide "Visiting cultural offers in the Rhine-Neckar region barrier-free with the Kulturpass"

    For the first time, you will find a bundled overview of cultural offers in the region with special consideration of accessibility. The brochure is based on an extensive survey on accessibility in over 50 cultural institutions in Mannheim and the region: Kulturparkett


  • Scholarships can be found on our homepage under Scholarships


  • Mannheim Declaration for Living Together in Diversity
    The Mannheim Declaration is part of the Alliance for Living Together in Diversity. Numerous institutions, groups and associations support them and express their values of mutual respect and against discrimination. With a wide variety of offers, the groups promote diversity and support for equal and respectful coexistence. More information here.
  • General information on "Studies and Disability" at the DSW Prospective students and students can use it to find out about important aspects of studying with health impairments: DSW
  • Special information on "Studying with Disabilities" in Mannheim via the Social Counselling Service of the Studierendenwerk
    For prospective students and students with disabilities or chronic illnesses, the guide "Un-behindert Studieren" contains a wide range of information.

Internships and jobs

  • Career planning for students and graduates with disabilities and chronic illnesses

    The myAbility Talent Program offers a variety of coaching and networking opportunities with large companies for the duration of one semester. The program is carried out in various cities in Germany, Austria and Switzerland and is aimed primarily at students about to graduate and university graduates with disabilities/chronic illnesses.

    Date: Application for the individual locations and further information on the myAbility Talent Program
  • Internship offer of the Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs (BMAS)
    The BMAS offers students the opportunity to complete a four- to twelve-week internship in the departments and units of the Ministry as part of their studies. Students should have already successfully completed around two-thirds of their studies. The interns receive an expense allowance. The application for the internship can be submitted twice a year:

    from 01.01. - 28.02. for the period from 01.07.
    from 01.08. - 30.09. for the period from 01.01.

    Further information on the internship offers of the BMAS for students here. The offer is also aimed at students with a severe disability!
  • Job market for people with disabilities
    On the website of the EnableMe Foundation there is a job exchange for people with disabilities. Both companies and people with disabilities have the opportunity to use the job exchange. The job vacancies that companies list are aimed specifically at people with disabilities. Persons with disabilities can post their job application on the job board.

  • Support in job search and application
    On the website  of the Federal Employment Agency there is a  special page for Persons with disabilities for the topics of job search, application, orientation, further education and advice.The BHSA Study Guide is a practical guide to studying especially for the hearing impaired and was written by hearing-impaired students and graduates.
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