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KfW-Student Loan

The KfW Student Loan is used to finance living expenses during your studies at a public or state-recognized university.

It may also be used to finance postgraduate, additional and secondary courses of study, as well as doctoral and part-time courses of study.

The loan is granted regardless of the student's income.

A combination with other financing offers such as BAföG or the education loan is possible.

  1. Conditions of the KfW Student Loan
  2. Information sheet on the KfW Student Loan (PDF)
  3. Consultation and legitimation check via the Studierendenwerk, by simply making an appointment with the Studierendenwerk's social counseling service.
  4. Verification during the contract period - each time at the beginning of the new semester, at the latest by April 15 and October 15, the proof of enrollment, the current certificate of enrollment and the identity card must be submitted.

The Social Counseling Service helps and provides advice on the application and does the legitimation check for the application and the proof of enrollment.


Patrick Sullivan
Telephone: 0621 49072-530 | -531

Mensaria am Schloss
Bismarckstr. 10 | Entrance A | Room 04 (Access via Infothek)
68161 Mannheim

Counseling at the Hochschule Mannheim
Paul-Wittsack-Straße 10
Building J | Room 208a
68163 Mannheim


Patrick Sullivan
Telefon: 0621 49072-531

oder per E-Mail

Mensaria am Schloss
Bismarckstr. 10 | Eingang A
Zimmer 03 (Zugang über Infothek)
68161 Mannheim

Offene Sprechstunde 

Patrick Sullivan
Telefon: 0621 49072-530 | -531

Mensaria am Schloss
Bismarckstr. 10 | Eingang A | Zimmer 04 (Zugang über Infothek)
68161 Mannheim

Beratungs- und Erstanlaufstelle an der Hochschule
Paul-Wittsack-Straße 10
Gebäude J | Raum 208a
68163 Mannheim


Studierendenwerk Mannheim AöR
Postfach 10 30 37
68030 Mannheim

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