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University catering awarded againt: Planetary-Health-Mensa

23.09.2022 | Food + Drink

The success story of our university catering continues. After getting the first place at the INTERNORGA Future Award 2022 for the catering concept "greenes²® - mindful campus food" and the award of the industry Oscar "GV Manager of the Year" to Gastro Chef Ulrich Opatz, the Studierendenwerk Mannheim was also among the winners of the award "Planetary Health Mensa" this week. The title is awarded annually by the nutrition organization called ProVeg. In addition to the catering concept, the team’s involvement and level of knowledge, communication and pricing as well as the development of the proportion of vegan dishes over time are examined.

„Our heartfelt thanks go to everyone who contributed to the three major catering successes this year. I am proud of the excellent catering offer, which is not only very popular with our guests, but has also received high recognition in professional circles three times this year.“ says Peter Pahle, Managing Director of the Studierendenwerk Mannheim.

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