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Studierendenwerk Mannheim: Now the First with Climate-Neutral Coffee

27.01.2022 | Food + Drink

The Studierendenwerk Mannheim is not only the first Studierendenwerk in Germany to achieve climate neutrality, but is constantly implementing new sustainable elements at the product level. The coffee offered in the new „greenes²® - mindful campus food‘ facility, a carbon footprint of the product was carried out as the first of many climate-neutral products to come, in which greenhouse gas emissions for the responsible company were recorded transparently and offset over the entire product life cycle. In the future, there will be a QR-Code for every dish on our menu where the individual information is stored and available. “With this transparency, the carbon footprint of the dishes will be visible for our guests so that they can see that they are contributing to with consuming food and drinks at „greenes²®, says Ulrich Opatz, the head of university dining services, while explaining the new concept.

The project has already been successfully implemented for both the Coffee and Espresso Roasts available at „greenes²®. In a comprehensive process, the individual steps in the product life cycle of both coffees were considered - from the raw material extraction to roasting, product usage, disposal, packaging, and transport.

Those responsible at the Studierendenwerk are pleased with value determined which fall far below the market average and that the climate-neutral coffee is so well received by guests at „greenes²® so that the coffee beans will soon be available to enjoy at home.

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