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Social Counseling Service: First Semester Info

02.10.2020 | Counseling + Service

Finally in Mannheim, picked your choice of studies, have been accepted, what now? Where do I go? Who can assist me?

Searching for housing

The Studierendenwerk offers about 3,000 accommodations for students with affordable prices either in apartments or shared flats.  Online-Application Private Accommodations List:

Registration with the city

After moving to Mannheim, you must register with the city at the citizens’ services in K7 within 14 days after arrival. Registration form: → Keyword Service Bürgerdienste.
Notice: Since 2018 there is a secondary residence tax in Mannheim. More info can be found on the city website.


This is the office for financial support for one’s studies.  BAföG is one half grant and one half interest-free loan. Applications can be found online atöG Personal consultation can be found in the Infothek.

Additional financing

Students not in debt but in an emergency financial situation can go to the loan office of the Studierendenwerk for an interim loan.  We also offer consultation about other financial assistance possibilities such as scholarships and grants.  

Consultation and assistance

Additionally, you can turn to the Social Counseling Service  about questions regarding your studies, student jobs, insurance, and social benefits.

Health insurance

Students are required to have health insurance coverage and are required to present documentation of this upon enrollment.  Students under the age of 25 are typically still covered under the coverage of the family insurance plan of their parents.  Important: Privately insured students can receive an exemption from the insurance obligation. This decision is for the whole duration of your studies and cannot be reversed.  Consultation can be found at the various insurance companies or at the Social Counseling Service of the Studierendenwerk.

Broadcast License Fee

This mandatory fee is for all residents.  The fee costs 17,50 Euro per month. The fee is to be paid per accommodation, regardless of the amount of tenants. Tip: Recipients of social benefits and BAföG can be exempted from the obligation to pay these fees.

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