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Living with Family / Children

The Studierendenwerk can happily assist you in you in your search for an accommodation- whether you are raising your child alone or with a partner. Even if we are unable to provide you with an adequate offer, we can still help by connecting you with other partners. We can give your information to our partners to help you find something.

Accommodations for Students with Children

Parents who are enrolled in one of the institutions that Studierendenwerk provides services to are qualified to live in one of our accommodations. There are all types of accommodations for almost all of your needs. From the various shared flats to single or double apartments, you will find the right fit in all corners of the city.

Private Accommodations

You did not find anything at the Studierendenwerk? We would suggest that you take a look at our Online-Private Accommodation Service, which you can take a look at any time and contact the landlords directly.


Housing Hours of Operation 

Mon- Fri 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. (in person and by phone)

General questions and questions about your application
Telephone 0621 49072-888

Infothek Hours of Operation 

Mon- Fri 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.


Bismarckstraße 10  
Mensa am Schloss | Eingang A
68161 Mannheim

Type in the following in your navigation device:
"Parkhaus Bismarckstraße" or "Parkhaus Universität"

Mailing Address 

Studierendenwerk Mannheim
Postfach 10 30 37
68030 Mannheim

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